Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Assumptions and Presumptions

It's funny how these two words that sound so similar almost tend you give an impression that they mean the same although there exists a subtle enough difference between the two to change one's entire perspective of things. I for one often tend to use them interchangeably.

When one “assumes” things he is doing so at his own risk, fully understanding that assumptions he or she is making might be incorrect.

HOWEVER, when one “presumes” there is a certain level of arrogance involved, which tends to make the person oblivious to the fact that this is still an assumption and that no matter what one believes the things can be otherwise. He or she might almost start to believe whatever their presumptions are, to be the absolute truth. This in turn would probably lead a person to fail to listen to "reason" or "logic”. Consequently, the chances of the person hurting himself or herself when faced with the harsh realities (as opposed to the presumptions) which bring him/her to a rude awakening that the presumptuous world in which one resided didn’t even exist.

Why do I bring this point up? Well like most people (although am sure that a very few would like to admit), I have fallen a prey to this myself. And it's funny how we as human beings fail to learn our lessons and keep on making presumptions and hurting ourselves over and over again. However, for me this time the lesson learned was real hard and I think I have been hurt enough that next time I'll at least stop for a moment and do a critical review of presumptions lest I get hurt again.

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