Saturday, February 04, 2006

yay, i got a DISTI !!!

aah the word still rings in my ears... like some soothing potion for an aching being ... "DISTI" that magic word... i guess all RECians prob spent the last few weeks of each sem. trying to make or break that disti... a word that determines if u will be eligible to land that dream job of yours or if you will be able to make it into that grad school u've always dreamed of going to...

i guess this is or shud i say "was" more of a tradition at krec, surathkal... a name slowly fading away as it is washed away with sands of time... i guess that is a byproduct of "re"naming the RECs to "NITs"... no doubt it has improved a lot of things for the campus, but i am sure for alumni like me the old KREC sounds like a home, somehow i can't bring myself to call that place NITK...

i guess where all these senseless "ramblings" derive their driving force is from a book titled "five point someone" by chetan bhagat. Well, it is a piece of fiction 'bout life at an IIT, its 'bout three best friends... but thinking about it; I realise it can well be anyone of us... and hey if i start 2 make generalizations it is indeed every single engineer who has graduated from an engg college in india... no doubt, the IITians despise us RECians for calling ourselves being i "good" engineers i guess... but then hey you ought to give it to "us". For, if v were not there to accept the "runners-up" or "under-dog" position, who would appreciate the #1 guys? ;-)

Worthless piece of @#$# as Mr. hanky (south park fans u outta recognize this) wud say... nd pondering back in time, quite frankly i'm SO happy dat i can claim myself being a member of this much acclaimed runners-up club/community rather than making myself belong to that of the fore-runners. I have NEVER wanted 2 be amongst da fore-runners,never in my life !!! And i feel that much more is accomplished when u have ur feet down on da ground rather than up in the air trying to fly - without any idea whatsoever where you wanna go what you wanna do. Ending up doing what has been done or blindly following what has been followed by the erstwhile graduates. There goes a life - the only one that you may get as a human species, and sit back and think what have you done? Being 2 steps behind has its advantages and it's easy for us not to follow the same @#$# path, and learn not to falter on our way to "the" achievements !!!

If you have managed to reach this point of this blog, I adore your persistence. It would undoubtedly take courage to read through this much of crap. Well, I guess I was not planning to go anywhere with this, it is probably a random collections of some thoughts that i've had over the past few years... and i just decided to pen them down in any random order as i felt like...


Rajesh said...

well said dude. #2 suits well this time !

Mr. Hyde said...

i guess v have to be content at some level... cant or rather "shudn't" aim at everything... coz in doing so i believe v loose the essence of life...

Rajesh said...

Where you at ?