Thursday, February 02, 2006

procrastination? wait may be not!

Well, it's been a while since I blogged, 10 day to be precise. Started to ponder as what might be the reason behind that. (We the engineers can't help analyzing stuff, pretty much anything and everything ;-) ) And BAM it hits me, probably the first time in my life I "really" don't have time to do this. Yes many of you might claim that it is a few minutes job and how difficult is it to take out a few minutes every day. But thinking about my lifestyle (between learning to play the guitar, living in a dump and trying to regularize some sort of physical activity), I really cannot seem to find those few minutes monday through thursday. And as for the remaining three days, you know the story. Once in weekend "mode" it becomes really difficult to do anything productive, whatsoever. :-(


Rajesh said...

But still I guess you could spare coupla minutes. Gotta give yourselves a chance to jot down atleast something :)

Mr. Hyde said...

well, i guess it is a matter of prioritizing your interests... that said nd done, for some reason i'd rather pluck at the strings rather than punch in stuff here... i guess what m tryin 2 say is, the day i get bored of the metal strings... but i dont see that happenin soon enuf...