Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Look out, world: Here comes booming India

Click here to read the article

I just stumbled across this article on the web. One of the many wonders of Google search I guess. An article well-written and quite credible (Of course me being an Indian, will always view this article favorably). However, it is my personal belief that this article draws it's conclusions based on strong foundations and that India indeed has a very good potential of capitalizing on it's mentioned resources. I just hope that we don't blow away this opportunity. I think it has been more than a millenium since we have led the tech race and this is an opportunity well presented.

I'll raise a toast to that!


Rajesh said...

Alhough there seems to be lota ga ga over the China effect, this was bound to happen.

Good that we grabbed the opp. with both hands.

Rajesh said...

Yemen !! Alive ??